Spedition & Transport services all across Europe`s land.
ADR transports services provided by our fleet of 30 Mega trucks and professional drivers in order to deliver dangerous goods all across Europe. 24h/24h assistance and GPS tracking through mobile phone for every client.
Logistics services using our 600 sqm storehouse located in Arad County – Romania. The storehouse offers access and enough space for trucks + the possibility of 24/24 cross docking, saving cost and reduce delivery times.
The Express Delivery service allows us to transport your goods in a safe and professional manner. Our drivers team is highly trained for express transport including night shifts, in order to deliver at the right estimated time.
`we know how to deliver professional services

24/24h Assistance

Competitive Prices

Reliable Team

GPS Tracking

Our Mig Plus Spedition &Transport Company provides a fleet of 30 mega trucks for ADR goods distribution and 60 Multilock mega trailers at your service and a Storehouse/Logistic Point located in Arad, 600 sqm with access for the trucks and possibility of 24/24 cross docking.
Services: ADR transport, Express transport for which we provide Nightshift, the ability to execute a Groupage of Goods all over Europe`s land.

delivered transports
hours on the highways
satisfied customers
Ask us for a Quotation, right away!
Complete the form below and send it to us. We will respond in max. 8 hours.

D.N Nr.7 F.N Hanul de la Răscruce
Arad, Romania | 310001

Available 24/7
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